The Campaign is now indefinitely on hiatus. With the start of DnD 4E, I've decided to dedicate my resources to the new edition of the game.
But fear not, the World of Tyrrah lives in the adventures of the heroes of Darklands of Tyrrah.
New heroes meet old friends (and foes) in more dashing exploits... stay tuned!
Saturday, May 2, 2009
Monday, February 23, 2009
Chapter Twenty-Two - The Mask of Diamond Tears
Our heroes reach Magystria, the Capital of the Arcane Realms of the Grand Council. There, they plan to make some repairs to therir sky-ship, and aquire information about the location of one of the nine swords.
As they check out the Library, they meet a young female clerk, who seems quite troubled. Eventually, she explains her problems are caused by a certain Thadius Tannenbaum III, a famous libertine and collector of relics here in the city, who does not return her feelings.
Also, in the same week when Thadius stopped seeing her, a very important artifact disappeared from the Library's Exposition: the Mask of Diamond Tears, an intelligent artefact who can find any kind of ancient treasure.
Our heroes decide to investigate the matter, and find out that Thadius has many powerful friends, especially in between the female population of the city. They have a first meeting with him in a fancy restaurant, where he's dating the Captain of the Guard of Magystria, a lady not too happy to have her romantic dinner interrupted by the heroes.
The group decides to go and visit Thadius in his home, where they find out that Thadius is a master of many illusions.
As they finally confront him in his mirrored ballroom, Thadius is stricken in panic as his own reflection ,and those of our heroes, step through the mirrors and into the room, and evil grin on their faces...
As they check out the Library, they meet a young female clerk, who seems quite troubled. Eventually, she explains her problems are caused by a certain Thadius Tannenbaum III, a famous libertine and collector of relics here in the city, who does not return her feelings.
Also, in the same week when Thadius stopped seeing her, a very important artifact disappeared from the Library's Exposition: the Mask of Diamond Tears, an intelligent artefact who can find any kind of ancient treasure.
Our heroes decide to investigate the matter, and find out that Thadius has many powerful friends, especially in between the female population of the city. They have a first meeting with him in a fancy restaurant, where he's dating the Captain of the Guard of Magystria, a lady not too happy to have her romantic dinner interrupted by the heroes.
The group decides to go and visit Thadius in his home, where they find out that Thadius is a master of many illusions.
As they finally confront him in his mirrored ballroom, Thadius is stricken in panic as his own reflection ,and those of our heroes, step through the mirrors and into the room, and evil grin on their faces...
Friday, February 13, 2009
Chapter Twenty-One - The "Century Hawk"
Berem puts togheter as much funds as he can, but still does not manage to acquire the right sum to buy a skyship. Togheter with Rudd, he prepares a plan to convince Captain Blackbeard to give his a "discount".
They invite the Captain to their home, where several female party-goers ("entertainers" Berem has paid to seduce the Captain) welcome them, and start feeding th Captain with wine, food, and "special" attentions.
As the party unfolds, Berem has already prepared a buying act for the ship, in excahnge for part of the gold agreed, plus the deed of the house, since the group has decidedd to abandon it.
When the Captain is drunk enough, Berem present himself with the contract, gets it signed, and binds the Captain to the bed, to cover their escape. Captain Blackbeard sleeps a a drunken angel, covered in gold and holding the deed of his new home.
Berem and the group board the ship, where they meet Morgan LeSabre, first mate of the Century Hawk, and daughter of Cap'n Blackbeard. She and the crew don't really offer much resistance, and seem actually intrigued by the turn of events. The Century Hawk departs for the Gryphyn Island.
Once there, the heroes meet Archduke Beregar, head of the Gryffon Clan, and Lord Davon Rainwood, the noble Knight who looks over the Archduke's son.
Gully reveals to the Archduke that the Emperor has stolen the Weapon, sending the castle in an uproar. The Duke immediately orders envoys to be sent to the Temple of the Sublime Way to ascertain the facts.
After a duel with Rudd, and the proof that the Sublime Way is indeed resurrected, Lord Davon decides to accompany the envoys to learn more of the ancient martial art.
They invite the Captain to their home, where several female party-goers ("entertainers" Berem has paid to seduce the Captain) welcome them, and start feeding th Captain with wine, food, and "special" attentions.
As the party unfolds, Berem has already prepared a buying act for the ship, in excahnge for part of the gold agreed, plus the deed of the house, since the group has decidedd to abandon it.
When the Captain is drunk enough, Berem present himself with the contract, gets it signed, and binds the Captain to the bed, to cover their escape. Captain Blackbeard sleeps a a drunken angel, covered in gold and holding the deed of his new home.
Berem and the group board the ship, where they meet Morgan LeSabre, first mate of the Century Hawk, and daughter of Cap'n Blackbeard. She and the crew don't really offer much resistance, and seem actually intrigued by the turn of events. The Century Hawk departs for the Gryphyn Island.
Once there, the heroes meet Archduke Beregar, head of the Gryffon Clan, and Lord Davon Rainwood, the noble Knight who looks over the Archduke's son.
Gully reveals to the Archduke that the Emperor has stolen the Weapon, sending the castle in an uproar. The Duke immediately orders envoys to be sent to the Temple of the Sublime Way to ascertain the facts.
After a duel with Rudd, and the proof that the Sublime Way is indeed resurrected, Lord Davon decides to accompany the envoys to learn more of the ancient martial art.
Morgan LeSabre
Friday, February 6, 2009
Chapter Twenty - Troubled Hearts
Returning in Hammerborg, Berem, Gully, Rudd and Zephyra enjoy a well deserved rest in their house. Berem starts to make arrangements to find a skyship to accompany them in their future endeavours, while Gully meets Valeros.
The young sky-knight informs her that Ghalan is in town, and wishes to see her. She plans to meet him later, as now she needs to discuss more important matters with Valeros. Gully asks him to make up his mind, and finally find the courage to ask Zephyra to marry him!
The man is stunned by the demands, and promises to think about it, and that he will meet Zephyra the day after to talk to her. Gully also revelas to Valeros that the great war that for so long was expected, is now certainly coming. She doesn't give more details about this.
Valeros meets Zephyra, and declares his love for her, though he admits he won't marry her under such circumstances, also knowing the hatred and contempt Zephy's parents have for the human race. The sky-knight believes he can show his qualities to the dragonborn, and be accepted. also, the looming war, and the racial differences between the two lovers don't really help.
At the sky-docks, Berem manages to contact a small-time smuggler, Captain Blackbeard of the "Century Hawk". At the beginning, Berem suggests to buy passage, but eventually convinces the old sailor to consider selling his skyship. After settling on a price, Berem discusses with the rest of the group about what to do.
Gully meets Ghalan, who has been looking for her to rejoin the party, and to ask for the help of his old friends. He wishes to recover Desert Wind, one of the Nine Swords. Gully welcomes him, although Ghalan cannot say for sure if he has once again aquired her trust. Time will tell.
Gully also meets Adhemar, the second son of the Emperor, a young man with no interest for politics, his life filled by the freedom of the forests, and the love for the hunt. The two have a meeting in Adhemar hunting lodge, and an old friendship is rekindled.
The young sky-knight informs her that Ghalan is in town, and wishes to see her. She plans to meet him later, as now she needs to discuss more important matters with Valeros. Gully asks him to make up his mind, and finally find the courage to ask Zephyra to marry him!
The man is stunned by the demands, and promises to think about it, and that he will meet Zephyra the day after to talk to her. Gully also revelas to Valeros that the great war that for so long was expected, is now certainly coming. She doesn't give more details about this.
Valeros meets Zephyra, and declares his love for her, though he admits he won't marry her under such circumstances, also knowing the hatred and contempt Zephy's parents have for the human race. The sky-knight believes he can show his qualities to the dragonborn, and be accepted. also, the looming war, and the racial differences between the two lovers don't really help.
At the sky-docks, Berem manages to contact a small-time smuggler, Captain Blackbeard of the "Century Hawk". At the beginning, Berem suggests to buy passage, but eventually convinces the old sailor to consider selling his skyship. After settling on a price, Berem discusses with the rest of the group about what to do.
Gully meets Ghalan, who has been looking for her to rejoin the party, and to ask for the help of his old friends. He wishes to recover Desert Wind, one of the Nine Swords. Gully welcomes him, although Ghalan cannot say for sure if he has once again aquired her trust. Time will tell.
Gully also meets Adhemar, the second son of the Emperor, a young man with no interest for politics, his life filled by the freedom of the forests, and the love for the hunt. The two have a meeting in Adhemar hunting lodge, and an old friendship is rekindled.
Chapter Nineteen - Interlude - Ghalan Claims His Legacy
DM Note: Ghalan left the group in a previous chapter to claim his legacy. This is the summary I worte for his player, to introduce his arrival back in the party.
You were in the Gardens of the Imperial palace, togheter with Gully, when 3 shining knights in golden armor presented themselves. One was a male Dragonborn, playing a lute, one was a stocky male dwarf, and the last was a female Aasimar, her name is Esmenet.
Esmenet told you that it was time to go and meet you grandfather, the Solar Dumah. She gave a divine scroll of regeneration to Gully, and Gully used it to give wings to your Pegasus. Togheter with the 3 golden knights, you departed for the Desert City of Shan-la, home of Angels and Aasimars.
As you approached Shan-la, you realized that Heaven existed, and it was in front of you. The City was a place of peace and respite from the harsh desert where it was situated. It was built on a high hill, with the quarters of the city rising up until the pinnacle of Shan-la, the Platinum Minaret, home of Dumah himself.
In the city, Aasimars where the common citizen, and Celestials, Half-angels and Archons ruled the city and guided the aasimar. The city guard was only patrolling the gates, as no crime existed in between the walls of this utopic city. You were brought to the presence of Dumah. As you walked the golden and silver palace togheter with Esmenet, you started to realize what kind of power and prestige must your grandfather possess.
And finally you were in his presence. To look directly at him was almost impossible, an aura of light and awe surrounded him, blinding you eyes and you soul. He seemed to diminish himself, only to receive you, and finally you could pierce the light, and see the imposing figure behind. He was tall, 10 feet at least, clad in a shining platinum armour, a longspear and a flail at this side. His face was stern, yet compassionate, long platinum hair grew till his waist, his face was shaven, his age unfathomable. He looked young, yet you could read millenia in the molten pools of platinum that were his eyes. Behind him, golden wings spread wide, encompassing the huge Hall.
All around him, living lights, Angels, Archons, and weird metallic contructs came in and out of view, all bowing at your passage. Esmenet brought you at this presence, and togheter you kneeled to Dumah. "Raise" he said, and his voice filled your heart and lifted your soul, high, above the copper clouds "raise, my son, and let me witness the gaze of him, who shall avenge too many decades of shame"...
* * *
During the months you spent in Shan-la, you had the constant companionship of Esmenet, who explained to you everything that was needed. Most important, during several meetings with Dumah's War Masters, you were trained in the sword, and in commanding troops. You occasionally took battallions of Aasimar into the desert, to drill, and fight bandit hordes, or humanoid tribes.
After many months, Dumah received you once again. "I have made my desires clear to you, Ghalan, although i do not know if you're willing to accomplish the task I've set in front of you.The Emperor has been you father for a long time, and I do not know if he ever loved you, like i do, or if you ever loved him, like i hope you love me.And vengeance seems a trivial reason to bring war to mortals, and have them suffer for a quarrel between two ancient warriors. But know this.The Emperor has not only shamed me, he has also betrayed all the sacred pacts that his position required of him. It may seem unclear, let me explain.
In ancient times, eons before Man walked these lands, a mysterious Eye looked upon the world. This was Caiphon, the Star of Dreams. One day, tears from Caiphon fell on Tyrrah, our world, nine cold tears, and one red-hot and bringer of destruction.Millenia passed, before Dragons and Dragonborn found those tears, now rocks, and understood the power that was inside of them.
Many legends are spun around these events, and if you will it, our libraries recount plently of them, but it is enough that you know this: the Weapon was created from the Tear of Destruction, and the Nine Swords were forged from the cold tears.The Weapon brought great destruction of the soft flesh of mortals, and the Kingdoms of Men decided to hide it deep under the earth, so that no one could ever use it again.
The nine Swords werre given to ancient guardians, the Masters of the Sublime Way, a powerful tradition of Swordmasters, to guard the Temple were the Weapon was hidden, forever staying vigilant.Eventually, legends were forgotten, and the Masters of the Sublime way, up in their mountain Temple, became legends. Their art and their Swords were lost.But the Emperor knew. Know this, Ghalan: the Emperor has retrieved the Weapon, and he plans to use it.
The ancient guardian are all dead, or almost so, and nothing stands in the way of the Emperor and his final victoy on Tyrrah.This is why you are here. This is why i give you my legions, to bring war to him, a war i cannot wage due to ancient Oaths i cannot break.
And here is my last gift. It has come to my knowledge that the Master of Nine, the greatest disciple of the Sublime Way, has returned to the Temple, and plans on rebuilding the Art. He seeks the Nine Swords, and I know the location of one of them. You shall go to him, and ask him to train you in the Sublime Way.
In exchange, you will offer the "Desert Wind", the long lost sword.Obviously, you may need help in recovering the sword, but we shall think about it after you've spoken with the Master"He looks at you seriously."Now, what say you, my son?"
You were in the Gardens of the Imperial palace, togheter with Gully, when 3 shining knights in golden armor presented themselves. One was a male Dragonborn, playing a lute, one was a stocky male dwarf, and the last was a female Aasimar, her name is Esmenet.
Esmenet told you that it was time to go and meet you grandfather, the Solar Dumah. She gave a divine scroll of regeneration to Gully, and Gully used it to give wings to your Pegasus. Togheter with the 3 golden knights, you departed for the Desert City of Shan-la, home of Angels and Aasimars.
As you approached Shan-la, you realized that Heaven existed, and it was in front of you. The City was a place of peace and respite from the harsh desert where it was situated. It was built on a high hill, with the quarters of the city rising up until the pinnacle of Shan-la, the Platinum Minaret, home of Dumah himself.
In the city, Aasimars where the common citizen, and Celestials, Half-angels and Archons ruled the city and guided the aasimar. The city guard was only patrolling the gates, as no crime existed in between the walls of this utopic city. You were brought to the presence of Dumah. As you walked the golden and silver palace togheter with Esmenet, you started to realize what kind of power and prestige must your grandfather possess.
And finally you were in his presence. To look directly at him was almost impossible, an aura of light and awe surrounded him, blinding you eyes and you soul. He seemed to diminish himself, only to receive you, and finally you could pierce the light, and see the imposing figure behind. He was tall, 10 feet at least, clad in a shining platinum armour, a longspear and a flail at this side. His face was stern, yet compassionate, long platinum hair grew till his waist, his face was shaven, his age unfathomable. He looked young, yet you could read millenia in the molten pools of platinum that were his eyes. Behind him, golden wings spread wide, encompassing the huge Hall.
All around him, living lights, Angels, Archons, and weird metallic contructs came in and out of view, all bowing at your passage. Esmenet brought you at this presence, and togheter you kneeled to Dumah. "Raise" he said, and his voice filled your heart and lifted your soul, high, above the copper clouds "raise, my son, and let me witness the gaze of him, who shall avenge too many decades of shame"...
* * *
During the months you spent in Shan-la, you had the constant companionship of Esmenet, who explained to you everything that was needed. Most important, during several meetings with Dumah's War Masters, you were trained in the sword, and in commanding troops. You occasionally took battallions of Aasimar into the desert, to drill, and fight bandit hordes, or humanoid tribes.
After many months, Dumah received you once again. "I have made my desires clear to you, Ghalan, although i do not know if you're willing to accomplish the task I've set in front of you.The Emperor has been you father for a long time, and I do not know if he ever loved you, like i do, or if you ever loved him, like i hope you love me.And vengeance seems a trivial reason to bring war to mortals, and have them suffer for a quarrel between two ancient warriors. But know this.The Emperor has not only shamed me, he has also betrayed all the sacred pacts that his position required of him. It may seem unclear, let me explain.
In ancient times, eons before Man walked these lands, a mysterious Eye looked upon the world. This was Caiphon, the Star of Dreams. One day, tears from Caiphon fell on Tyrrah, our world, nine cold tears, and one red-hot and bringer of destruction.Millenia passed, before Dragons and Dragonborn found those tears, now rocks, and understood the power that was inside of them.
Many legends are spun around these events, and if you will it, our libraries recount plently of them, but it is enough that you know this: the Weapon was created from the Tear of Destruction, and the Nine Swords were forged from the cold tears.The Weapon brought great destruction of the soft flesh of mortals, and the Kingdoms of Men decided to hide it deep under the earth, so that no one could ever use it again.
The nine Swords werre given to ancient guardians, the Masters of the Sublime Way, a powerful tradition of Swordmasters, to guard the Temple were the Weapon was hidden, forever staying vigilant.Eventually, legends were forgotten, and the Masters of the Sublime way, up in their mountain Temple, became legends. Their art and their Swords were lost.But the Emperor knew. Know this, Ghalan: the Emperor has retrieved the Weapon, and he plans to use it.
The ancient guardian are all dead, or almost so, and nothing stands in the way of the Emperor and his final victoy on Tyrrah.This is why you are here. This is why i give you my legions, to bring war to him, a war i cannot wage due to ancient Oaths i cannot break.
And here is my last gift. It has come to my knowledge that the Master of Nine, the greatest disciple of the Sublime Way, has returned to the Temple, and plans on rebuilding the Art. He seeks the Nine Swords, and I know the location of one of them. You shall go to him, and ask him to train you in the Sublime Way.
In exchange, you will offer the "Desert Wind", the long lost sword.Obviously, you may need help in recovering the sword, but we shall think about it after you've spoken with the Master"He looks at you seriously."Now, what say you, my son?"
Monday, February 2, 2009
Chapter Eighteen - Family Reunion, the Oracle

Lord Argenthar and his dragon companion Silverain deliver the group and the head of Flame to the Council of Dragonborn. Cyrukk, once again ashamed, departs swearing vengeance. The Council releases Zephyra's parents, and togheter they travel back to the Oasis Town of the Blue tribe.
The dragon head is kept in Lord Argenthar castle, to be disposed of as the heroes prefer. Lord Argenthar and Rudd have a long discussion and a quick sparring match, after which Argenthar asks Rudd to train him in the Sublime Way. As other tasks await him, Rudd draws a map of how to reach the Temple of the Sublime Way, so that Argenthar can reach it on dragonback. To mantain the balance, Rudd ask that also a member of the Chormatic Tribes must join Argenthat. Alas, it seems the only one up to the task is Cyrukk. Time will tell.
In the Oasis, Zephyra has a last confrontation with her parents, who do not support in her choice to bond with humans. Alas, Zephyra's mind is set, and togheter with her friends she travels to the town of the Oracle.
Oracle Stone is a semi-permanent town of tents and wooden buildings, where many heroes await that the Oracle's call. Unfortunately, no one can force a calling, or open the doors of the Oracle, unless the Oracle itself decides so. Many heroes wait months and months at the stone, without ever being called.
As our heroes enter the town, the many noises of the bazaar seem to still, as a chorus voice of men, women, angels and fiends echoes throughout the landscape.
"Lady Gyllenn" the voices sing "step forward".
The Oracle has called. Upon entering, the heroes find themselves in a vast and dark hall. A few runes illuminate the floor, bringing the party to a platform. From high above, they witness a colossal mechanism lifting a mass of stone and crystal faces out of an abyssal well.
The faces, mounts and eyes of stone, crystal and flesh, are the famous Oracle!
Gully asks to know about the Weapon and the Emperor, and the Oracle answers by showing them the Past, the Present, and the Future. The responses are shown as illusions on the majestic walls of the Hall.
The Past. Far away in the starry sky, a purple light, Caiphon, the star of dreams, drops nine cold tears and one red-hot. The tears fall on Tyrrah, and are eventually found by mortals, who forge the Nine Swords of the Sublime Way, and the Weapon, an artifact looking like a metallic-living war-glove. The Weapon brings great suffering to the world, until the wielders of the Nine Swords manage to secure into the Temple of the Sublime Way.
The Present. Deep into Hammerborg, the Emperor and the High Clergy of Athun observe the weapon on an altar, surrounded by protective magic. The Emperor wears the Glove, and madness fills his eyes.
The Future. The Emperor, completely clad in the Weapon, faces the Nine Wielders of the Sublime Swords. A few faces are recognizable... Rudd, Argenthar, Cyrukk, Tharod, Ghalan, the Master. The Master of Nine stirs the other to fight togheter, as "only the combined power of the Nine Swords can face the Weapon".
The Oracle retires, and our heroes return to Hammerborg through Gully's word of recall.
The dragon head is kept in Lord Argenthar castle, to be disposed of as the heroes prefer. Lord Argenthar and Rudd have a long discussion and a quick sparring match, after which Argenthar asks Rudd to train him in the Sublime Way. As other tasks await him, Rudd draws a map of how to reach the Temple of the Sublime Way, so that Argenthar can reach it on dragonback. To mantain the balance, Rudd ask that also a member of the Chormatic Tribes must join Argenthat. Alas, it seems the only one up to the task is Cyrukk. Time will tell.
In the Oasis, Zephyra has a last confrontation with her parents, who do not support in her choice to bond with humans. Alas, Zephyra's mind is set, and togheter with her friends she travels to the town of the Oracle.
Oracle Stone is a semi-permanent town of tents and wooden buildings, where many heroes await that the Oracle's call. Unfortunately, no one can force a calling, or open the doors of the Oracle, unless the Oracle itself decides so. Many heroes wait months and months at the stone, without ever being called.
As our heroes enter the town, the many noises of the bazaar seem to still, as a chorus voice of men, women, angels and fiends echoes throughout the landscape.
"Lady Gyllenn" the voices sing "step forward".
The Oracle has called. Upon entering, the heroes find themselves in a vast and dark hall. A few runes illuminate the floor, bringing the party to a platform. From high above, they witness a colossal mechanism lifting a mass of stone and crystal faces out of an abyssal well.
The faces, mounts and eyes of stone, crystal and flesh, are the famous Oracle!
Gully asks to know about the Weapon and the Emperor, and the Oracle answers by showing them the Past, the Present, and the Future. The responses are shown as illusions on the majestic walls of the Hall.
The Past. Far away in the starry sky, a purple light, Caiphon, the star of dreams, drops nine cold tears and one red-hot. The tears fall on Tyrrah, and are eventually found by mortals, who forge the Nine Swords of the Sublime Way, and the Weapon, an artifact looking like a metallic-living war-glove. The Weapon brings great suffering to the world, until the wielders of the Nine Swords manage to secure into the Temple of the Sublime Way.
The Present. Deep into Hammerborg, the Emperor and the High Clergy of Athun observe the weapon on an altar, surrounded by protective magic. The Emperor wears the Glove, and madness fills his eyes.
The Future. The Emperor, completely clad in the Weapon, faces the Nine Wielders of the Sublime Swords. A few faces are recognizable... Rudd, Argenthar, Cyrukk, Tharod, Ghalan, the Master. The Master of Nine stirs the other to fight togheter, as "only the combined power of the Nine Swords can face the Weapon".
The Oracle retires, and our heroes return to Hammerborg through Gully's word of recall.
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