Saturday, June 21, 2008

Chapter Ten - Blessed of Athun

The Heroes return to the Imperial capital, and Gully realizes whe now possesses the power to Raise the Dead. She perform a Ritual of Passage in the Imperial Cathedral, where she fights, kills, and then resurrect the knight Garreth Dawnblade, who becomes her Cohort.

The body of Edaar is delivered to the Menthat enclave, while Marnavar is buried in the local graveyard.

Zephyra and Ghalan are called at the Wizard Academy, on request of Magus Ironspell. Ironspell informs them that the Amulet of Nondetection is ready, but he will only give it up after he's sure that the Heroes do not intend to use it for evil means.

To insure this, he attaches Stormstride, the elven wizard, to the party, so that he may judge them worth or not of the prize.

Gully has a meeting out of the Capital with the High Priest of Athun, and the Grand Marshal of the Sky-knights. They both want to make sure that she's willing and ready to continue the search for Aramus. To help her in this quest, he introduces to her a swordman, Rudd Steelthorn, who also knows the Darklands.

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