Saturday, May 24, 2008

Chapter Eight - A New Hero

Upon their arrival in Hammerborg, they notice that a floating Dwarven Citadel is in the Capital, delivering several crates of mana-bows (rifles) to the Imperial army.

Edaar finds out that the Menthat High Inquisitor is soon to arrive in the Capital, in order to further the plans of the Menthat enclave, and to purge Chaos between the Menthat.

Gully understands from her Church superiors that the situation is declining day by day, and they fear soon war will come. If only Aramus was still alive to confront the Emperor and better understand what his aims were. Even if she's still convinced that she won't further Nar'herix plans, she understands the importance to find Aramus (or what is left of him) as soon as possible.

Zephyra has a brief encounter with Valeros, and the reports to Ambassador Sandscale. During the meeting, an imposing Blue Wyrmkin makes himself known, and accuses Zephyra to put more effort in her realtionship with Humans, than in her mission to aquire the favour of Tharod.

The strength and the ferocity of the Blue is such, that Zephyra understand this is no other than a Blue Dragon in Wyrmkin form. Assuring him that she's only planning to aquire the trust of the Sky-kinghts to betray them when necessary, she leaves.

A few days after, four barbarians arrive at the gates of Hammerborg. One of them, riding a dire wolf, enters the city, asking for the Emperor. He is allowed in, and revelas to be Borag, son of Gorog. His father was the chieftain of the Wolf Tribe, the Emperor tribe, since the Emperor abandoned the tundra. Now, Gorog lies sick, and Borag wears the Heart of the Wolf, a sacred mithril breastplate traditionally belonging to the chieftain.

Alas, the Mantle of the Chief still belongs to Cnaiur, and Borag is here to have his blessing and be the new chieftain. The Emperor states that only through a challenge can a new chieftain be elected. Borag seems uncomfortable to challenge the Emperor, out of respect of the legend of the Emperor, Cnaiur, the most Violent of Men.

Since Borag doesn't challenge him, the Emperor declares that he shall face Ghalan in combat, to test his mettle in a real battle. At noon, the Barbarian and the Paladin face each other in duel.

Ghalan seems to have the upper hand, until Borag loses his temper and rages. He smashes the Paladin to the ground, but falls after the adrenaline surge leaves him. Is it a victory for the Barbarian, or a draw?

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